If you are looking for APDCL Recruitment Exam Free Mock Test Series, I hope this post will provide the best Mock tests for APDCL AAO, Office cum Field Assistant, and General Studies Mock Tests for APDCL Assistant Manager (AM) & Junior Manager (JM) recruitment.
In this post of APDCL Mock Test Series, we have divided Mock tests into two parts;
Each of the mini mock test contains 20 MCQs and each Full Mock Test contains 100 MCQs for APDCL recruitment examination.
Currently we are providing full & mini Mock Test series for APDCL Office cum Field Assistant recruitment and two sets of Mini Mock Tests for APDCL AAO recruitment. Candidates appearing for Assistant Manager & Junior Manager of APDCL may also practice these sets of general knowledge mock tests.
You might also like our 500+ Assam GK on Assam History, Assam Geography, and Assam Art & Culture for APDCL written exam.
Browse the mock tests links from the next section.