
Assam Police Recruitment for PWD 2019 [756 Posts] | Apply Online

Assam Police Recruitment for PWD 2019:

Last Date: 31-01-2019

Assam Police is conducting recruitment process for various backlog vacancies in various departments of govt. of Assam only for Person with disability (PWD).

For detailed department wise vacancies- see the official advertisement.

List of Eligible Person With Disability (PWD) categories:

  • Blind or Low Vision (BLV)
  • Hearing Impaired (HI)
  • Locomotor disability
    including cerebral palsy (LDCP)

Name of the posts in various departments

1. Junior Assistant

Educational Qualification: Any Graduate

2. Khalashi, Peon, Chowkidar, Ghat Helper etc.

Educational Qualification: Class VIII passed

3. Jr. Instructor, Store Keeper etc.

Educational Qualification: 10th passed

4. Pharmacist, Dresser, Sec. Assistant etc.

Educational Qualification: HS Passed

Age: Minimum 18 years and maximum 54 years as on 1st January 2018 irrespective of castes

However the post of Jr. Assistant in Forest department, minimum age should be 21 years as on 1st January 2018.

How to Apply

Online applications will be received with effect from 03-01-2019. The last date for receipt of applications will be 31-01-2019.

Click here to apply online.

Apply Online

Click here to Apply Online from 03-01-2019

Selection Process

For Grade- III Posts:

 Candidates for Grade III posts, whose applications are found correct in all respect will be called for Written Test which will be conducted either centrally at suitable place in Guwahati or any other convenient places depending on the number of candidates. The Chairman, SLPRB, Assam reserves the right to change the venue of the written test and no representation etc. will be entertained in this regard. Before entering the examination center, biometrics of each candidate will be matched with the already recorded biometrics at the time of documents verification.

The written test will be of 100 marks and will be completely OMR based.

There will be 50 questions and each question will be of 2 (two) marks. Candidates will use black or dark blue ball pen to answer the OMR based answer sheet. Duration of the test will be of 2 (two) hours. The questions will be set in three parts as under:

  • Logical reasoning, aptitude, comprehension – 20 Marks
  • Matters relating to History and – 15 Marks Culture of Assam and India
  • General Knowledge – 15 Marks

For Grade- IV Posts:

The selection procedure to be followed is as per existing Service Rule of the Department concerned.