
Daily Quiz Update- 12 September

This set of Daily Quiz 12 September 2018 contains 7 multiple choice questions. One mark for each correct answer. No negative marking for incorrect answer.

1. What is the name of BARC recommissioned upgraded version of India's oldest nuclear reactor Apsara?

Correct! Wrong!

The reactor was shut down permentaly in 2009

2. Which of the following organizations collaborated to set up Model International Center for Transformative Artificial Intelligence?

Correct! Wrong!

TIFR- Tata Institute of Fundamental Research

3. What is the name of the first military exercise by BIMSTEC countres?

Correct! Wrong!

4. Nomadic Elephant 2018 held in Ulaanbatar is a joint military exercise of:

Correct! Wrong!

5. Which of the following government has launched India's first scheme for doorstep delivery of essential government services?

Correct! Wrong!

6. Which of the following state govt has signed MoU with Indial Oil Corporation to set up Ethanol plant for preventing agricultural residue, straw burning?

Correct! Wrong!

This plant will motivate farmers in its 50 km radius area to manage crop residue and prevent straw burning and help to fulfill increasing demand for ethanol, and also bio-fuel for consumers petroleum products.

7. Regional conference on Good Governance was held in:

Correct! Wrong!

Daily Quiz Update- 12 September
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