
Daily Quiz Update- 22 August

This set contains 10 multiple choice questions. One mark for each correct answer. No negative marking for incorrect answer.

1. Which of the following month of 2018 will be observed as the National Nutrition Month as per the announcement of the Union Ministry of Women & Child Development?

Correct! Wrong!

The month-long intensive campaign will be undertaken to reach the message "Har Ghar Poshan Tayer" to every household

2. Who has been awarded the Legion of merit by US government?

Correct! Wrong!

With the award, he became the second Indian to get that award after general Rajendrasinhji Jajeda

3. First Indian woman to win gold at 2018 Asian Games is:

Correct! Wrong!

4. World Mosquito Day is observed on:

Correct! Wrong!

The world mosquito day is observed every year on 20 August to spread the awareness about the cause of malaria

5. Who has been awarded the Rajiv Gandhi National Sadbhavana award 2018?

Correct! Wrong!

This award is presented every year for outstanding contribution towards promotion of communal harmony, national integration & peace. Gopalkrishna Gandhi is a former IAS officer & retired governor of West Bengal. His parental grandfather is Mahatma Gandhi & maternal grandfather is C. Rajagopalachari

6. Which of the following bank is the first to introduce IRIS authentication for AADHAR based transaction?

Correct! Wrong!

Through IRIS authentication, eyes of customer would be scanned for authentication

7. Which of the following district of Assam has been covered under the National Mental Health Programme?

Correct! Wrong!

Under the District Mental Health Program (DMHP) of the NMHP, eight districts of Assam has been already covered, these are Nagaon, Goalpara, Tinsukia, Nalbari, Darrang, Morigaon, Karbi Along & Karimganj

8. The Andaman & Nicobar islands are submerged part of which of the following mountain range?

Correct! Wrong!

9. Which of the following mountain peak is called the Blue mountain of Mizoram?

Correct! Wrong!

Phawngpui is also the highest mountain peak of Lushai Hill of Mizoram with an elevation of 2157 m

10. Which one is CORRECT Assam Right to Public Service Act 2012?

Correct! Wrong!

Daily Quiz Update- 22 August
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