
Daily Quiz Update- 24 August

This set contains 10 multiple choice questions. One mark for each correct answer. No negative marking for incorrect answer.


1. Which one is correct about the Indian Banking Conclave 2018?

Correct! Wrong!

2. Rahi Sarnobat is related to which of the following sport?

Correct! Wrong!

Rahi Sarnobat became the first woman shooter to win gold at the 2018 Asian Games.

3. Which of the following union government agency has directed universities & higher educational institutes of India to ban the sale of junk food within their campuses?

Correct! Wrong!

This ban of junk food in universities & higher educational institutes campus will help to set a new standard for healthy food, making students live better, learn better, and reduce obesity levels.

4. Sixth International Buddhist Conclave, 2018 was organized in:

Correct! Wrong!

5. The headquarters of the National Dairy Development Board is located in:

Correct! Wrong!

National Dairy Development Board was created on 16 July 1965, fulfilling the desire of the then prime minister, Lal Bahadur Shastri, to extend the success of Amul to other parts of India

6. Which of the following is correct about the e-District project of Assam?

Correct! Wrong!

G2C- Government to Citizen

7. Sarothi scheme of Govt. of Assam is a:

Correct! Wrong!

8. Implementation of Assam Accord Department of Govt of Assam was established in:

Correct! Wrong!

9. Parker Solar Probe is a:

Correct! Wrong!

This spacecraft has been launched by NASA on 12 August to study the Sun's atmosphere. This spacecraft will approach to within 8.86 solar radii from the "surface" of the Sun and will travel, at closest approach, as fast as 700,000 km/h

10. Assam Moitri Scheme is a scheme for:

Correct! Wrong!

Daily Quiz Update- 24 August
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