
Daily Quiz Update- 27 September

This set of Daily Quiz 27 September 2018 contains 6 multiple choice questions. One mark for each correct answer. No negative marking for incorrect answer.

1. According to SC’s verdict, which among the following services DO NOT require Aadhaar linking?

Correct! Wrong!

You may read more about the verdict thoroughly on UIDAI’s official website @

2. The _____ government has decided to institute an award after _____, an Indian born American Astronaut.

Correct! Wrong!

On 25th September 2018, the Haryana government has decided to institute Kalpana Chawla Haryana Solar Award, named after the India-born US astronaut, to encourage the participation of scientists in solar sector.

3. Which among the following states has topped the ‘2018 Ease of Living Index’ rankings under AMRUT making it India’s best state to live in?

Correct! Wrong!

4. Which country has hosted Women-only foreign minister conference, the very first of its kind meeting?

Correct! Wrong!

5. _____ & _____ have won ‘The 2018 Best FIFA Player Award’ in Men’s & Women’s category respectively.

Correct! Wrong!

6. In India, what is the current ratio of number of judges in comparison to per 10 lakh people in the country?

Correct! Wrong!

According to a data, part of a document prepared by the Law Ministry, India has 19 judges per 10 lakh people on an average. The document also states that the subordinate courts have a shortage of 5748 judicial officers while the 24 high courts face 406 vacancies.

Daily Quiz Update- 27 September
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