
Daily Quiz Update- 30 August

This set of Daily Quiz 30 August 2018 contains 10 multiple choice questions. One mark for each correct answer. No negative marking for incorrect answer.

1. Who is the chairman of the newly constituted Prime Minister's Science, Technology and Innovation Advisory Council (PM-STIAC)?

Correct! Wrong!

Union government has constituted this 21 member PM-STIAC under the leadership of the principal scientific advisor to the government K. Vijay Raghavan

2. Which of the following ministry has ordered all states to ban e-cigarettes and other Electronic Nicotine Delivery System (ENDS)

Correct! Wrong!

3. Who is the newly elected president of Zimbabwe?

Correct! Wrong!

4. National Sports day on 29 August is celebrated to mark birth anniversary of:

Correct! Wrong!

5. Which of the following state-owned bank topped in the list of digital transactions?

Correct! Wrong!

6. Bond-i, the world's first blockchain bond has been launched by:

Correct! Wrong!

7. Atal Ji Ne Kaha book is authored and complied by:

Correct! Wrong!

8. Which of the following tribal language has become India's first tribal language to get own Wikipedia edition?

Correct! Wrong!

Santali is a language in the Munda subfamily of Austroasiatic languages.

9. Sneha Sparsha scheme, one of the healthcare scheme of Govt. of Assam is for the:

Correct! Wrong!

10. Which of the following country has overtaken India as the poverty capital of the world?

Correct! Wrong!

Although India is the sixth largest economy in the world, as per world bank survey 2012, 21.2% of the population still lives in below poverty line and as per Oxfam survey 2018, 1% of the richest Indian has cornered 73% of the wealth generated in the country last year.

Daily Quiz Update- 30 August
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