
Daily Quiz Update- 30 January 2019

This set of Current Affairs Daily GK Quiz 30 January 2019 Contains 5 Multiple Choice Questions. One mark for each correct answer and no negative mark for an incorrect answer.

1. International Holocaust Remembrance Day celebrated on 27th January was celebrated for the first time in:

Correct! Wrong!

UN resolution designated January 27 as the International Holocaust Remembrance Day. The Holocaust, also referred to as the Shoah, was a genocide during World War II in which Nazi Germany, aided by its collaborators, systematically murdered some six million European Jews.

2. Who has become the fastest Indian to reach 100 ODI wicket?

Correct! Wrong!

In his 56th ODI, played with New Zealand, Mohammed Shami has become the fastest Indian to reach 100 One Day International (ODI) wicket.

3. Sugarcane juice has been declared as the National Drink of which of the following country?

Correct! Wrong!

The Government of Pakistan declared sugarcane juice as the National Drink after conducting a twitter poll, where 81% voted in favor of sugarcane juice.

4. Novak Djokovic, who has won the men’s singles 2019 Australian Open Tennis Tournament, belongs to which country?

Correct! Wrong!

Novak Djokovic has won the men’s singles 2019 Australian Open Tennis Tournament held at Melbourne on 28th January.2019

5. What is the full form of SANH, a research program to tackle nitrogen pollution?

Correct! Wrong!

South Asian Nitrogen Hub (SANH), a research program to tackle the challenge that nitrogen pollution poses for the environment, food security, human health, and the economy in South Asia. It will look at nitrogen in agriculture in eight countries– India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, and the Maldives.

Daily Quiz Update- 30 January 2019
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