
Daily Quiz Update- 31 January 2019

This set of Current Affairs Daily GK Quiz 31 January 2019 Contains 5 Multiple Choice Questions. One mark for each correct answer and no negative mark for an incorrect answer.

1. Who has been conferred with the 2019 Assam Republic Day Journalism award?

Correct! Wrong!

Dhirendra Nath Chakravorty, former editor of the daily Assamese print newspaper- Dainik Asom has been conferred with the 2019 Assam Republic Day Journalism award. The award comprises of a cash prize of Rs.1 lakh, a citation, the Assamese ‘xoraai’, 'jappi' and an 'angavastra'.

2. Who is the first Indian transgender to be awarded with Padma Shri?

Correct! Wrong!

Narthaki Nataraj, born in Madurai, is a Bharatanatyam exponent and specializes in the Thanjavur-based Nayaki Bhava tradition.

3. Who has become the Pakistan's first Hindu woman judge?

Correct! Wrong!

After passing Pakistan's judicial officer examination, Suman Kumari hails from Qambar-Shahdadkot, will serve in her native district.

4. Who has been appointed the WHO regional director for South-East Asia?

Correct! Wrong!

Dr. Poonam Khetrapal Singh has been appointed the South-East Asia regional director of the World Health Organization (WHO) for a second five-year term.

5. In the 100-day Swasth Bharat Yatra, which of the following state has been declared as the best?

Correct! Wrong!

Swasth Bharat Yatra, a 100-day consumer outreach programme of the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) declared Tamilnadu as the best state.

Daily Quiz Update- 31 January 2019
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