
Daily Quiz Update- 31 March 2019

This set of Current Affairs Daily Quiz 31 March 2019 Contains 10 Multiple Choice Questions. One mark for each correct answer and no negative mark for an incorrect answer.

1. "Mind the Gap- State of Employment in India" report is published by which organization?

Correct! Wrong!

Oxfam India's latest report "Mind the Gap- State of Employment in India" makes the following key observation: 1. Lack of quality jobs and increasing wage disparity 2. Women are paid 34% less than the similarly qualified male workers. In 2015 92% of women and 82% of men earned less than Rs. 10000 per month 3. Job generation was adversely impacted post demonitization and women workforce were effect the most

2. The 2019 UNDP Human Development report to focus on:

Correct! Wrong!

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) which will publish Human Development Report (HRD) in the last quarter of this year will seek to look beyond today by taking a long-term view of inequality and by identifying trends and making projections. The report will use a framework that looks beyond income and considers inequalities in health, education, tech, and exposure to economic and climate-related shock and will look beyond averages to paint a more accurate and timely picture of the state of inequality.

3. 30 March of which of the following year, Rajputana became Rajasthan?

Correct! Wrong!

To mark this day, every year on 30 March, Rajasthan celebrates Rajasthan Day.

4. In which of the following Lok Sabha constituency, ballot papers will be used instead of EVM for Lok Sabha poll?

Correct! Wrong!

In Nizamabad, Telangana 185 candidates are in contention out of which 178 are farmers who cultivate turmeric and jowar. Since one EVM can accomodate only 16 candidates and maximum of 4 EVMs can be used in a pooling booth, the Election Commission is forced to bring back ballot papers in the poll. The farmers are contesting poll to highlight their demand for the remunerative price for their crops.

5. The Chief Electoral Officer (CEO) of which state has launched Enajori initiative for PwD?

Correct! Wrong!

Assam Chief Electoral Officer Mukesh Sahu launched the Enajori initiative with an aim that 'No Voter to be Left behind'.

Daily Quiz Update- 31 March 2019
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