
Mangaldai Town & Country Planning Recruitment: Junior Assistant

Mangaldai Town & Country Planning Recruitment 2019: Jr. Assistant.

Last Date: 02-02-2019

Mangaldoi Town & Country Planning invites application in Standard Form as prescribed In Pan-IX of Assam Gazette are invited from the eligible candidates who are citizen of India for filling up of a Grade-III vacant post in the Office of the Deputy Director, Town & Country Planning, Mangaldai on direct recruitment basis as below:

Post Name: Junior Assistant

No. of Posts: 1 STP

Pay: PB-2 Rs.14,000/- to 49,000/- Grade Pay of Rs.6,200/-
Age: 21 to 48 years as on 1st January 2019 as applicable for ST(P) as per OM No.ABP06/ 2016/04 dtd. 03.03.2016

Educational Qualification: 
(a) Candidate should be graduate in any discipline from any recognized University. 
(b) Candidate must possess Computer skills for handling data and text on Computer both In English and Assamese languages. 

How to Apply

Last Date: 02-02-2019

The applications in prescribed format must be accompanied by the following: 
(a) Applicants shall furnished self attested copies of the following documents along with the application-
(I) Pass Certificates and Mark Sheet of HSLC onwards. 
(ii) The age will be calculated as on 01.01.2019 on the basis of the Matriculation/HSLC Admit Card/Pass Certificate issued by recognized Board/Council. No other documents shall be accepted in lieu thereof. 
(iii) Caste Certificate issued by competent authority. 
(iv) Computer Diploma/Training Certificate for a minimum of 6 months duration course. 
(v) Copy of uplo date Employment Registration Certificate. 
(vi) Contact No. and Email ID must be mentioned in the application form. 

(b) Affix 1 (One) copy of recent self attested passport size photograph In the application form and another 2 (two) copies should be enclosed along with the application. 
(c) 1 (One) self addressed envelopes of size 10 x 4.5 inch affixing Postal Stamp of Rs. 5/-. 
(d) The name of the post applied for should be clearly written in “Bold Letters” on the top of the Envelope containing the application form. 

Application Fee: NIL

Address to send the application: Office of the Deputy Director. Town & Country Planning, Mangaldai, Ward No.-10. Milanpur.P.0.-Mangaldai-784125. Dist: Darrang (Assam). 

Selection Procedure

The candidates whose applications are accepted will be required to appear in a Written Test (Multiple choice type) comprising of General Awareness. English, test of reasoning Arithmetic, Computer basic etc.. Shoal isted candidates of Written Test shall be called for Computer practical test Details of which will be communicated in due course of time.

Study Material