Sarba Siksha Abhijan Assam Recruitment 2019:
Last Date: 24-01-2019
Sarba Siksha Abhijan Mission, Assam invites online application from eligible candidates of minimum 21 years and maximum 43 years of age as on 01.01.2019 for the Mid Day Meal Scheme for the following posts at its state HQ and various district HQs.
District Level Posts:
1. District Programme Manager (DPM) (1 post per district)
No. of Posts: 18
Educational Qualification:
- Full time MBA with experience in Programme Management related with Social Sector Activities from recognized University. Or
Masters Degree in Social Works (with experience in Social Sector Programme) from recognized University, - Three (03) years working experience in Health/Education or related organization in Social Sector.
- Must be literate in MS-Office
Remuneration: Rs. 25,000.00/- or Salary is negotiable in case of experienced / qualified candidate
2. District MIS Manager (DMISM) (1 post per district)
No. of Posts: 09
Educational Qualification: 1st class B.E. in Computer Science/ Electronics or MCA from recognized University with minimum one (01) year of experience in database management and in house software development.
Remuneration: Rs. 22000.00/-
State Level Posts:
1. State Programme Manager (SPM)
No. of Posts: 01
Compulsory Qualification:
- Full time MBA with experience in programme management related with social sector activities from recognised university. Or
- Master Degree in Economics (with Statistics as a subject at Degree level) from recognised University. Or
- Master Degree in Social Works (with experience in social sector programme) from recognised university. • Minimum five (05) or more years experience in implementation of scheme/programme in the Assam context.
- Must be literate in MS Office.
Remuneration: Rs. 35,000.00 Or Salary is negotiable in case of experienced/qualified candidate
2. State MIS Manager (SMISM)
No. of Posts: 01
Educational Qualification: 1st class B.E. in Computer Science/ Electronics or MCA from recognised University with minimum three (03) years of experience in database management and in house software development
Remuneration: Rs. 30,000.00 or Salary is negotiable in case of experienced/ qualified candidate
3. State Accounts Officer (SAO)
No. of Posts: 01
Educational Qualification:
- B.Com with major in Accountancy/CA/ICWA inter having minimum five (05) years working experience in Accounts related works of Govt. Deptt./Undertaking / Public Sector Organization/ Reputed Private Organization.
- Must be computer literate with Tally Software Knowledge.
Remuneration: Rs. 22,000.00
4. State Accounts Assistant (SAA)
No. of Posts: 01
Educational Qualification:
- B.Com with minimum 45 marks aggregate and having two (02) years of working experience in Accounts related works of Govt. Deptt./Undertaking/Public Sector Organization/ Reputed Private Organization.
- Must be computer literate.
Remuneration: Rs. 15000.00
How to Apply
Online application will be available from 18.01.2019 to 24.01.2019.
To apply on line please log in Candidates have to appear for verification of documents in support of their eligibility to appear in Test/Interview from 01.02.2019 to 05.02.2019 at State Mission Office, SSA, Kahilipara, Guwahati-19 (Assam).
Apply Online
Click here to apply online