Junior Assistant Mini Mock Test – AssamONE https://assamone.com One Stop Destination for Job Aspirants in Assam | Job Update, Daily Quiz, Assam GK & Much More For Competitive Exams in Assam Wed, 20 Feb 2019 05:09:06 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.4.14 https://i1.wp.com/assamone.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/cropped-iconnew-1.png?fit=32%2C32&ssl=1 Junior Assistant Mini Mock Test – AssamONE https://assamone.com 32 32 148333928 DC Office Tinsukia Junior Assistant Recruitment 2019 [6 Posts] https://assamone.com/dc-office-tinsukia-junior-assistant-recruitment-2019/ https://assamone.com/dc-office-tinsukia-junior-assistant-recruitment-2019/#respond Wed, 20 Feb 2019 05:09:06 +0000 http://assamone.com/?p=6807 DC Office Tinsukia Junior Assistant Recruitment 2019: Applications are invited from the eligible candidates in the Standard Form of application published in Part-IX of Assam Gazette, for filling up of vacant sanctioned posts of Junior Assistant as mentioned below under the Amalgamated Establishment of Deputy Commissioner, Tinsukia. List of Vacancies Name of post: Junior Assistant (Grade-III) No of […]

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DC Office Tinsukia Junior Assistant Recruitment 2019:

Applications are invited from the eligible candidates in the Standard Form of application published in Part-IX of Assam Gazette, for filling up of vacant sanctioned posts of Junior Assistant as mentioned below under the Amalgamated Establishment of Deputy Commissioner, Tinsukia.

List of Vacancies

Name of post: Junior Assistant (Grade-III)

No of posts: 6 [UNRESERVED : 01 OBC/MOBC :02 SC : 01 ST(P) : 01 ST(H) : 01 PWD : NIL ]

Pay: Pay Rs. 14,000/- to 49,000/-, Grade Pay of Rs. 6200/

Educational Qualification: 
(i) The candidates must possess a Bachelor’s Degree from recognized University or any Examination declared equivalent by the Government. 
(ii) The Candidates must have good working knowledge and skill in Computer, specially Word Processor, Spreadsheet, Presentation Graphics, Concept of Database, Internet, E-mail etc. 
(iii) The Candidate must possess a minimum 6 months Diploma Certificate in Computer Application/ Knowledge from Government recognized institute. 

Age : Candidate must not be less than 18 years or more than 43 years of age as on 01/01/ 2019. Upper Age limit is relaxed by 5 years in case of ST/SC Candidates as per Govt./OM No. ABP06/2016/04, Dated : 03 rd March’2016. 

How to Apply

Applications should be sent through post or delivered by hand to the Deputy Commissioner, Tinsukia, P.O. Borguri, Pin-786126, Dist- Tinsukia, Assam. Post applied for shall be superscribed on the top of the sealed envelope. 

Last Date: 20-02-2019

Applicants shall submit the self attested copies of the following documents testimonials along with application :  
(a) HSLC Admit Card for age proof, Pass Certificate and Marksheet. 
(b) Degree Pass Certificate and Marksheet. 
(c) Employment Exchange Registration Certificate (Registration No. & Date must be men-tioned in their application). 
(d) Cast Certificate, if applicable. 
(e) 3 (three) copies of Passport Size Photographs self attested. (One of which should be pasted on the Application Form). 
(f) Certificate of Diploma in Computer Knowledge. (from Government recognized institute). 
(g) Self addressed Envelope with Postal Stamp of Rs. 5.00 (Five) only. 

Study Materials

Selection Process

(i) Candidates applying for the post of Junior Assistant will have to appear in Written Test of 150 Marks, comprising of General English (75 marks), General Knowledge (50 marks) and Quantitative Aptitude (25 marks). Further, they will have to appear in another Test of Knowledge of Computer (Theory of 50 marks) and Language skills in Assamese/ Bengali/ Bodo/ Alt. English (50 marks). There will also be a Computer Proficiency Test (Practical for 50 marks). 
(ii) Four candidates will be selected against each vacancy notified on the basis of the aggregate marks obtained in the Objective Type Written Test to appear in the Computer Proficiency Test (Practical). 
(iii) The Final selected list will be prepared on the basis of aggregate marks obtained in both the Objective Type Written Test and Computer Proficiency Test (Practical) and contain the names of candidates equal to the number of vacancies advertised and selected. 
(iv) There will be no Viva-Voice (Interview). 

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Junior Assistant Free Mock Test Series | Govt of Assam Jr. Assistant Recruitment Examinations https://assamone.com/junior-assistant-free-mock-test-series/ https://assamone.com/junior-assistant-free-mock-test-series/#respond Thu, 27 Dec 2018 06:31:00 +0000 http://assamone.com/?p=5955 In this article of Junior Assistant Free Mock Test series, we have compiled our available list of free mock tests for Junior Assistant recruitment examinations conducted by various departments, establishments, offices of the Government of Assam. Currently, we are providing two types of free mock tests for Jr. Assistant examinations. Mini Mock Test Series Full Mock […]

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In this article of Junior Assistant Free Mock Test series, we have compiled our available list of free mock tests for Junior Assistant recruitment examinations conducted by various departments, establishments, offices of the Government of Assam.

Currently, we are providing two types of free mock tests for Jr. Assistant examinations.

You may find the list of available free mock tests for Jr. Asst. updated till now in the below sections.

Subscribe to our notification to get updates of our upcoming free mock tests directly at your device.

Mini Mock Test Series

Following are the list of our currently available free mini mock tests for Jr. Assistant recruitment examinations by Govt. of Assam.

Full Mock Test Series

Currently, we have updated only one full mock test containing 200 most expected MCQs for Jr. Assistant recruitment exams, subscribe to our blog to get notification of upcoming free mock tests.

Related Mock Test Series

Following are the list of our free mock test series for other recruitment examinations in Assam.

Free GK Series

Browse from the below navigation box to find free MCQ sets on Assam GK  such as Assam History, Assam Art & Culture, Assam Geography, Indian History etc.

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APDCL Office cum Field Assistant | Mini Mock Test- 8 https://assamone.com/apdcl-office-field-assistant-mini-mock-test-8/ https://assamone.com/apdcl-office-field-assistant-mini-mock-test-8/#respond Thu, 20 Dec 2018 10:22:08 +0000 http://assamone.com/?p=5764 APDCL Mini Mock Test for Office cum Field Assistant- 8 Related APDCL Mini Mock Test: APDCL Mini Mock Test- 1 APDCL Mini Mock Test- 2 APDCL Mini Mock Test- 3 APDCL Mini Mock Test- 4 APDCL Mini Mock Test- 5 APDCL Mini Mock Test- 6 APDCL Mini Mock Test- 7 APDCL Mini Mock Test- 8 […]

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APDCL Mini Mock Test for Office cum Field Assistant- 8

Please Note:
Total Numbers of Question: 20

Total Time: 20 Minutes

Mark for each correct answer: 1

Mark for each incorrect answer: 0.

Click on the start button to start the Mock Test

Related APDCL Mini Mock Test:

Related APDCL Full Mock Tests: 

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APDCL Office cum Field Assistant | Mini Mock Test- 7 https://assamone.com/apdcl-office-field-assistant-mini-mock-test-7/ https://assamone.com/apdcl-office-field-assistant-mini-mock-test-7/#respond Sun, 09 Dec 2018 11:28:16 +0000 http://assamone.com/?p=5459 APDCL Mini Mock Test for Office cum Field Assistant- 7 Related APDCL Mini Mock Test: APDCL Mini Mock Test- 1 APDCL Mini Mock Test- 2 APDCL Mini Mock Test- 3 APDCL Mini Mock Test- 4 APDCL Mini Mock Test- 5 APDCL Mini Mock Test- 6 APDCL Mini Mock Test- 7 APDCL Mini Mock Test- 8 […]

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APDCL Mini Mock Test for Office cum Field Assistant- 7

Please Note:
Total Numbers of Question: 20

Total Time: 20 Minutes

Mark for each correct answer: 1

Mark for each incorrect answer: 0.

Click on the start button to start the Mock Test

Related APDCL Mini Mock Test:

Related APDCL Full Mock Tests: 

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APDCL Office cum Field Assistant | Mini Mock Test- 6 https://assamone.com/apdcl-office-field-assistant-mini-mock-test-6/ https://assamone.com/apdcl-office-field-assistant-mini-mock-test-6/#respond Wed, 28 Nov 2018 16:37:09 +0000 http://assamone.com/?p=5098 APDCL Mini Mock Test for Office cum Field Assistant- 6 Related APDCL Mini Mock Test: APDCL Mini Mock Test- 1 APDCL Mini Mock Test- 2 APDCL Mini Mock Test- 3 APDCL Mini Mock Test- 4 APDCL Mini Mock Test- 5 APDCL Mini Mock Test- 6 APDCL Mini Mock Test- 7 APDCL Mini Mock Test- 8 […]

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APDCL Mini Mock Test for Office cum Field Assistant- 6

Please Note:
Total Numbers of Question: 20

Total Time: 20 Minutes

Mark for each correct answer: 1

Mark for each incorrect answer: 0.

Click on the start button to start the Mock Test

Related APDCL Mini Mock Test:

Related APDCL Full Mock Tests: 

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APDCL Office cum Field Assistant | Mini Mock Test- 5 https://assamone.com/apdcl-office-field-assistant-mini-mock-test-5/ https://assamone.com/apdcl-office-field-assistant-mini-mock-test-5/#respond Tue, 13 Nov 2018 13:17:57 +0000 http://assamone.com/?p=4786 APDCL Mini Mock Test for Office cum Field Assistant- 5 Related APDCL Mini Mock Test: APDCL Mini Mock Test- 1 APDCL Mini Mock Test- 2 APDCL Mini Mock Test- 3 APDCL Mini Mock Test- 4 APDCL Mini Mock Test- 5 APDCL Mini Mock Test- 6 APDCL Mini Mock Test- 7 APDCL Mini Mock Test- 8 […]

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APDCL Mini Mock Test for Office cum Field Assistant- 5

Please Note:

Total Numbers of Question: 20

Total Time: 20 Minutes

Mark for each correct answer: 1

Mark for each incorrect answer: 0.

Click on the ➡ Start Quiz button to start the quiz.

Related APDCL Mini Mock Test:

Related APDCL Full Mock Tests: 

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APDCL Office cum Field Assistant | Mini Mock Test- 4 https://assamone.com/apdcl-office-field-assistant-mini-mock-test-4/ https://assamone.com/apdcl-office-field-assistant-mini-mock-test-4/#respond Sun, 11 Nov 2018 06:21:36 +0000 http://assamone.com/?p=4696 APDCL Mini Mock Test- 4 Related APDCL Mini Mock Test: APDCL Mini Mock Test- 1 APDCL Mini Mock Test- 2 APDCL Mini Mock Test- 3 APDCL Mini Mock Test- 4 APDCL Mini Mock Test- 5 APDCL Mini Mock Test- 6 APDCL Mini Mock Test- 7 APDCL Mini Mock Test- 8 APDCL AAO Mini Mock Test- […]

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APDCL Mini Mock Test- 4

Please Note:

Total Numbers of Question: 20

Total Time: 20 Minutes

Mark for each correct answer: 1

Mark for each incorrect answer: 0.

Click on the start quiz button to start the mock test:

Related APDCL Mini Mock Test:

Related APDCL Full Mock Tests: 

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APDCL Office cum Field Assistant | Mini Mock Test-3 https://assamone.com/apdcl-office-field-assistant-mini-mock-test-3/ https://assamone.com/apdcl-office-field-assistant-mini-mock-test-3/#respond Fri, 09 Nov 2018 09:33:15 +0000 http://assamone.com/?p=4644 Related APDCL Mini Mock Test: APDCL Mini Mock Test- 1 APDCL Mini Mock Test- 2 APDCL Mini Mock Test- 3 APDCL Mini Mock Test- 4 APDCL Mini Mock Test- 5 APDCL Mini Mock Test- 6 APDCL Mini Mock Test- 7 APDCL Mini Mock Test- 8 APDCL AAO Mini Mock Test- 1 APDCL AAO Mini Mock […]

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Please note:

Total Numbers of Question: 20

Total Time: 20 Minutes

Mark for each correct answer: 1

Mark for each incorrect answer: 0.

Click on the start button to start the quiz

Related APDCL Mini Mock Test:

Related APDCL Full Mock Tests: 

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Mini Mock Test- 4 | For Junior Assistant Recruitment by Govt of Assam https://assamone.com/mini-mock-test-4-for-junior-assistant/ https://assamone.com/mini-mock-test-4-for-junior-assistant/#respond Sat, 03 Nov 2018 12:32:44 +0000 http://assamone.com/?p=4364 This set of Mini Mock Test for Junior Assistant Recruitment by Government of Assam Contains 20 MCQs. These 20 MCQs are selected from most important questions that can be asked in the Junior Assistant Recruitment examination from Indian History, Indian Polity, Indian Geography, Assam History, Computer Knowledge, and Quantitative Aptitude. Please note: Total No of Questions= […]

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This set of Mini Mock Test for Junior Assistant Recruitment by Government of Assam Contains 20 MCQs. These 20 MCQs are selected from most important questions that can be asked in the Junior Assistant Recruitment examination from Indian History, Indian Polity, Indian Geography, Assam History, Computer Knowledge, and Quantitative Aptitude.

Please note:

  • Total No of Questions= 20
  • One mark for each correct answer. No negative mark for incorrect answer

1. Vindhyashakti was founder of which of the following dynasties in ancient India?

Correct! Wrong!

Vindhyashakti (250-270 CE), the name was derived from mythological Devi "Vindhya".

2. Oldest amphitheatre of Asia is:

Correct! Wrong!

3. In which place in India, British started Dual system of Government?

Correct! Wrong!

4. Who made weaving compulsory during the reign of Ahom dynasty?

Correct! Wrong!

5. The Election Commission of India is NOT concerned with election of:

Correct! Wrong!

6. “Right to service” is an important part of which among the following bills / act?

Correct! Wrong!

7. Who among the following heads the National Council of Senior Citizens?

Correct! Wrong!

8. What is the extension of font file?

Correct! Wrong!

9. In Microsoft excel, what symbol is used before a number to make it a label?

Correct! Wrong!

10. Which of the following can't be searched by find (CTRL+F) in Microsoft Word?

Correct! Wrong!

Through CTRL+F in MS Word, we can search Formats, Characters or Symbols

11. What is the word that denotes the name adopted by an author in his writing?

Correct! Wrong!

12. Which of the following word denotes "Murder of a King"?

Correct! Wrong!

13. Antonym of the word "AMENITY" is:

Correct! Wrong!

14. Where is the National Centre for Combustion Research and Development (NCCRD) Located?

Correct! Wrong!

15. Which one is CORRECT about the Kolong river of Assam?

Correct! Wrong!

Kolong river flows through Nagaon, Marigaon and Kamrup District. The river flows through the heart of Nagaon city.

16. In the region of Indus Valley Civilization. where was the swimming pool named "Great Bath" found?

Correct! Wrong!

17. A File which contains readymade styles that can be used for a presentation is called?

Correct! Wrong!

18. The simple interest and the true discount on a certain sum for a given time and at a given rate are Rs. 85 and Rs. 80 respectively. The sum is:

Correct! Wrong!

19. 4 men and 6 women can complete a work in 8 days, while 3 men and 7 women can complete it in 10 days. In how many days will 10 women complete it?

Correct! Wrong!

20. Fill the series: 2, 7, 57, ______?

Correct! Wrong!

2, 2x2+2+1, 7x7+7+1, 57x57+57+1

Test-4 | Mini Mock Test for Junior Assistant Recruitment by Govt of Assam
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Mini Mock Test- 3 | For Junior Assistant Recruitment by Govt of Assam https://assamone.com/mini-mock-test-3-for-junior-assistant/ https://assamone.com/mini-mock-test-3-for-junior-assistant/#respond Fri, 19 Oct 2018 14:16:08 +0000 http://assamone.com/?p=3699 This set of Mini Mock Test for Junior Assistant Recruitment by Govt of Assam Contains 20 MCQs. These 20 MCQs are selected from most important questions that can be asked in the Junior Assistant Recruitment examination from Indian History, Indian Polity, Indian Geography, Assam History, Computer Knowledge, and Quantitative Aptitude. Please note: Total No of Questions= […]

The post Mini Mock Test- 3 | For Junior Assistant Recruitment by Govt of Assam appeared first on AssamONE.

This set of Mini Mock Test for Junior Assistant Recruitment by Govt of Assam Contains 20 MCQs. These 20 MCQs are selected from most important questions that can be asked in the Junior Assistant Recruitment examination from Indian History, Indian Polity, Indian Geography, Assam History, Computer Knowledge, and Quantitative Aptitude.

Please note:

  • Total No of Questions= 20
  • One mark for each correct answer. No negative mark for incorrect answer
  • The symbol “^” denotes- To the power of

1. Who is considered as the “Father of Indian Renaissance”?

Correct! Wrong!

2. Whom did Mula Gabharu die fighting against?

Correct! Wrong!

Mula Gabharu was a female warrior during the Ahom kingdom in Assam. She died fighting against Turbak Khan, the then Muslim to invade Assam (1532 AD).

3. Which Governor General of India made “Doctrine of Lapse” official?

Correct! Wrong!

Lord Dalhousie served as the Governor General of India from 1848 to 1856

4. The famous GAYATRI MANTRA is addressed to which of the following God?

Correct! Wrong!

5. When was the first official census conducted in India?

Correct! Wrong!

Although it started in the year 1872, the first complete census of India is considered to be conducted officially in the year 1881.

6. Find the missing terms in the pattern 1, 9, ?, 49, 81, ?, 169

Correct! Wrong!

The given pattern consists of squares of consecutive odd numbers i.e. 1^2, 3^2, 5^2, 7^2, 9^2, 11^2, 13^2. Hence the missing terns are 25 & 121.

7. A bus travelled from Jorhat to Guwahati at 50 km per hour for 3 hours and 30 minutes. Due to some fault in the bus, the passengers decided to move further & reach the destination by traveller which also took 3 hours and 30 minutes. If the speed of the traveller is 60 km per hour, what would be the average speed of the entire journey?

Correct! Wrong!

Using the short cut method, the average speed = (50 + 60) / 2 = 55 kmph. When the time is given the same for using different modes of transport, the average speed of the entire journey can simply be calculated by finding the average of the speeds of different modes.

8. Suppose, a – b = 5 & ab = 4. Find the value of a^3 – b^3 = ?

Correct! Wrong!

By using formula, (a - b)^3 = a^3 – b^3 – 3ab (a - b)

9. Spot the error in the given sentence- "You have not done your homework, aren’t you?"

Correct! Wrong!

The correct sentence is- You have not done your homework, have you?

10. Fill the blank with appropriate preposition- "Visitors are requested to leave their shoes _____ the door before entering."

Correct! Wrong!

At the door- Somewhere near the door

11. Pick the appropriate synonym word- "Foster"

Correct! Wrong!

12. Change the voice- "Who cooked the meal?"

Correct! Wrong!

13. Change the narration- Yadav said to Prasad, “Lalu will leave for his home village tomorrow.”

Correct! Wrong!

14. Substitute with one appropriate word- "Occurrence of identical initial consonant sounds in successive or closely associated syllables within a group of words."

Correct! Wrong!

15. Pick the appropriate ordering of words and complete the sentence- "(p) the common sense at; (q) science; (r) its best; (s) is simply"

Correct! Wrong!

16. Which of the following is likely to happen when we decrease the Dots per Inch (DPI) of a digital image?

Correct! Wrong!

17. Which of the following is an example of OPEN SOURCE operating system?

Correct! Wrong!

Windows and macOS are proprietary operating systems. Linux Kernel is an OS Kernel, not an OS.

18. As defined by the client-server model, what is a computer called if it provides database services to other computers?

Correct! Wrong!

19. In computing, what does "One Nibble" mean?

Correct! Wrong!

20. What does COMPUTER RESOLUTION measure?

Correct! Wrong!

Test-3 | Mini Mock Test for Junior Assistant Recruitment by Govt of Assam
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