
Daily Quiz Update- 16 November 2018

This set of Current Affairs Daily GK Quiz 16 November 2018 Contains 5 Multiple Choice Questions. One mark for each correct answer and no negative mark for an incorrect answer.

1. Which of the following state/UT police has launched "NIPUN", an e-learning platform for its personnel?

Correct! Wrong!

2. Who has been appointed as the first ever youth ambassador of UNICEF India?

Correct! Wrong!

3. "Nexxt Credit Card", an interactive credit card with buttons, has been launched in India for the first time by which of the following bank?

Correct! Wrong!

4. Union Ministry of Human Resources has launched LEAP & ARPIT Programmes for:

Correct! Wrong!

Leadership for Academicians Programme (LEAP) and Annual Refresher Programme In Teaching (ARPIT)

5. Regional meeting of the World Customs Organization (WCO) 2018 has been held in:

Correct! Wrong!

Daily Quiz Update- 16 November 2018
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