
Daily Quiz Update- 20 May 2019

This set of Current Affairs Daily Quiz 20 May 2019 Contains 5 Multiple Choice Questions. One mark for each correct answer and no negative mark for an incorrect answer.

1. Which country has recently blocked all language editions of Wikipedia?

Correct! Wrong!

Community-edited online encyclopedia in all available languages, Wikipedia has been blocked by China for the topics that are deemed too sensitive are also scrubbed.

2. The first full-fledged Services Selection Board (SSB) of Indian Navy has opened in which of the following city?

Correct! Wrong!

The first full-fledged Services Selection Board (SSB) of Indian Navy has been inaugurated by Navy Chief Admiral Sunil Lanba at Diamond Harbour near Kolkata.

3. Who has been appointed as the new chairperson of News Broadcasting Standards Authority?

Correct! Wrong!

Justice Arjan Kumar Sikri, the former judge of Supreme Court of India (SCI), has been appointed as the chairperson of News Broadcasting Standards Authority by the News Broadcasters Association (NBA).

4. Which Bollywood personality has been felicitated by Council of European Chambers of Commerce (CEUCC) for promoting Children Rights?

Correct! Wrong!

Bollywood actor Anil Kapoor has been felicitated by Council of European Chambers of Commerce (CEUCC) in India and a European Union delegation as part of the 'Europe Day' celebrations in Mumbai on May 17.

5. Services Trade Restrictiveness Index (STRI), associated with OECD has how many member countries as of 2019?

Correct! Wrong!

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD; French: Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques, OCDE) is an intergovernmental economic organization with 36 member countries, founded in 1961 to stimulate economic progress and world trade. India has found problems with the current method under which the OECD index –Services Trade Restrictiveness Index (STRI) - ranks countries based on their services trade policies. As per study commissioned by the Indian Ministry of Commerce, the outcomes of the index are biased and counter-intuitive.

Daily Quiz Update- 20 May 2019
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