Assam Direct Recruitment 2022 Grade-III Mock Test Series

Indian Polity & Constitution MCQ Set- 12

This set of Indian Polity & Constitution MCQ Set- 12 contains 10 multiple choice questions with special GK MCQ on Prime Minister of India and GK MCQ on Council of Ministers. One mark for each correct answer. No negative marking for incorrect answer.

1. Which of the following article of the constitution states that there shall be a Council of ministers with the Prime Minister at the head to aid and advise the president?

Correct! Wrong!

2. Which article of the constitution states that the Prime Minister shall be appointed by the president and the council of ministers shall be appointed by the president on the advice of PM?

Correct! Wrong!

3. Suppose a citizen has been appointed as a Minister by the President on the advice of the PM, what is the time limit to elect him/ her as a member of any of the houses?

Correct! Wrong!

It is mentioned in the article 75(5) of the constitution

4. Choose the correct one:

Correct! Wrong!

5. Choose the correct one about the maximum numbers of ministers in the Union Govt. of India:

Correct! Wrong!

The ratio is inclusive of the PM

6. According to the Indian constitution, if a PM resigns or dies during his governing period, which of the following would happen?

Correct! Wrong!

7. The Prime Minister of India is NOT a chairman of which of the following agency/ council?

Correct! Wrong!

8. Which of the following article of the constitution states that the Council of Ministers shall be collectively responsible to the House of the People?

Correct! Wrong!

9. In which of the following situation, a Minister of State (MoS) performs same function as that of a Cabinet Minister?

Correct! Wrong!

10. State true or false- “Advice tendered to the president by the Council of Ministers cannot be inquired by anybody or any court of law.”

Correct! Wrong!

Article 74(2) states the above mentioned law.

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