Assam Direct Recruitment 2022 Grade-III Mock Test Series

Treasury Establishment Assam Recruitment 2018 of Junior Accounts Assistant [6 Posts]

Applications in Standard Form as prescribed in the Part-IX of the Assam Gazetted are invited by Treasury Establishment Assam Recruitment for the post of Junior Accounts Assistant at Kamrup District.

Last Date to Apply- 15-9-2018

Junior Accounts Assistant

No. of Posts- 06

Eligibility- Any Graduate from a recognized university along with One year of Diploma in Computer

Salary- Rs. 14,000 to Rs. 49,000/- + Grade Pay– Rs. 7400/-

Age Limit- Not less than 18 years or not more than 43 years as on 01.01.2018

Age Relaxation- 5 years in case of candidates of SC/ST and Person With Dissabilities

How to Apply

Applicants are need to apply offline in Standard Form as prescribed in the Part-IX of the Assam Gazetted.

  1. Candidate already in service must apply through proper channel.
  2. The application form must be accompanied along with the following documents-
    i) Self attested copy of age proof certificate.
    ii) Self attested copy of Caste/Tribe certificate.
    iii) Attested copies of Educational Qualification.
    iv) Two copies of recent passport size photograph duly attested by Gazetted Officer.
    v) One self addressed envelope of 5 cm size affixing postal stamps of Rs. 5/- only.
    vi) Copy of the registration certificate of the Employment Exchange must be enclosed along with the application form.

Application complete in all respect should be send to the following address-

The Deputy Commissioner (Treasury Department), Kamrup, Amingaon, Guwahati-31.

Date of Examination

Date of exam is not released yet.

Selection Process

  1. Candidates will have to appear in a written test on 3 (three) subjects as follows-
    i) General English (Precis Writing, Drafting, Grammar and Composition)- 100 marks.
    ii) General Mathematics (HSLC Standard)- 100 marks.
    iii) General Knowledge- 100 marks.
  2. Candidates who qualify in the written test shall have to appear in computer and personality test for 50 marks for final selection on date that will be notified later on.
  3. The list of candidates who qualify in the written test and computer and personality test shall be hanged in the D.C’s office, Kamrup District Treasury, Amingaon, Guwahati-31.
  4. Reservation of post shall be applicable as per existing Govt. guideline.
  5. Candidates finally selected must be willing and prepared to serve in any Treasury, Sub-Treasury within the District of Kamrup.

Related Study Material

Books- You can download the books for this exam by clicking here.

Also you can practice 5000+ MCQs for Junior Accounts Assistants exam.

Download Official Advertisement

Click here to download the official advertisement, Also you can view the advertisement at Assam tribune page number 10, 29 August.

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