
Daily Quiz Update- 13 October 2018

This set of Daily Quiz 13 October 2018 contains 7 multiple choice questions. One mark for each correct. No negative marking for incorrect answer.

1. Which of the following university is named as the most innovative university as per Reuters 2018 ranking?

Please select 2 correct answers

Correct! Wrong!

2. Which of the following country has abolished death penalty for all crimes?

Correct! Wrong!

3. World Economic Forum has announced that the fourth industrial centre will be based in India, on which of the following state the centre will be based?

Correct! Wrong!

4. ISRO and Central University of Jammu have singed MoU to set up space science cente in Jammu, the centre will be named after:

Correct! Wrong!

5. IND-IDO CORPAT: 32th edition of India-Indonesia coordinated patrol is being held in:

Correct! Wrong!

The 32nd edition of India-Indonesia coordinated patrol (IND-INDO CORPAT) is being held in Belawan, Indonesia from 11 – 27 October 2018. Under it, ships and aircraft from both countries will undertake patrolling on respective sides of 236 nautical miles long International Maritime Boundary Line.

6. Which of the following is the venue of the 17th edition of Old World Theatre festival 2018?

Correct! Wrong!

7. Which of the following state's Prison department has rolled out a smart video- calling facility for female prisoners and inmates lodged at open jails?

Correct! Wrong!

Daily Quiz Update- 13 October 2018
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