
Daily Quiz Update- 18 October 2018

This set of Daily Quiz 18 October 2018 contains 6 multiple choice questions. One mark for each. No negative marking for incorrect answer.

1. Union govt has launched "Swasth Bharat Yatra" campaign in association with which of the following organization?

Correct! Wrong!

The Union Government launched national campaign ‘Swasth Bharat Yatra’ on occasion of World Food Day (observed on 16 October) to sensitize people about eating safe food and be healthy.

2. The International Day for the Eradication of Poverty (IDEP) is observed every year on:

Correct! Wrong!

3. Who has been honored as the India Social Entrepreneur of the Year (SEOY) 2018?

Correct! Wrong!

Prema Gopalan is an Indian social activist. She has founded and been Executive Director of Swayam Shikshan Prayog for over 20 years, supported poor rural women in building bridges with local government to facilitate democratic processes that are inclusive of women.

4. Who has been appointed the new Chairperson of National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR)?

Correct! Wrong!

5. India along with which country have launched their first joint programme for Afghanistan to train its diplomats?

Correct! Wrong!

6. The World Bank has ranked India at which position in it’s first-ever Human Capital Index (HCI)?

Correct! Wrong!

Though, Government of India (GoI) has rejected the findings of the index. India’s neighbours Bangladesh, Nepal and Sri Lanka were better placed at 106th, 102nd and 74th position respetively. Singapore topped the poll after it was highly rated for its universal healthcare system, education exams results and life expectancy figures.

Daily Quiz Update- 18 October 2018
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