Assam Direct Recruitment 2022 Grade-III Mock Test Series

Mixed GK MCQ Set-7

This set contains 10 multiple choice questions. One mark for each correct answer. No negative marking for incorrect answer.

#1 What is the other name of Sir Garfield Sobers Trophy?

Correct! Wrong!

#2 Which of the following Indian Sports Team is also known as “The Bhangra Boys?

Correct! Wrong!

#3 For how many times ” Undivided India” was part / member of summer Olympics?

Correct! Wrong!

5 Times ( 1900, 1920, 1928, 1932, and 1936)

#4 Who among the following served as India’s first Test Captain?

Correct! Wrong!

#5 What term is used for maximum capital which the company can raise in its life time?

Correct! Wrong!

#6 Round tripping is used as a?

Correct! Wrong!

#7 Which among the following function as locus of biochemical reactions?

Correct! Wrong!

#8 Which of the following organism grows on Common Bread?

Correct! Wrong!

#9 Which among the following is correct about Viruses?

Correct! Wrong!

#10 What would be the percentage of Glucose in the Urine of a healthy person?

Correct! Wrong!

Mixed GK MCQ Set-7
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