Assam Direct Recruitment 2022 Grade-III Mock Test Series

Assam History MCQ Set-1

This set contains 10 multiple choice questions. One mark for each correct answer. No negative marking for incorrect answer.

1. Which one is INCORRECT about the undivided Goalpara district?

Correct! Wrong!

1833, not 1947

2. Kachari kingdom was annexed into the East India Company under which of the following annexation policy?

Correct! Wrong!

3. The waste Land rule was passed under which one of the following commissioners?

Correct! Wrong!

Wasteland rule was passed in 1838, and Francis Jenkins ruled Assam from 1834 to 1861

4. When was the Assam region separated from the Bengal Presidency?

Correct! Wrong!

5. Who was the monarch of Burma at the time of Yandabo Treaty?

Please select 2 correct answers

Correct! Wrong!

Bagyidaw was also known as Sagaing Min

6. Yandabo Treaty was signed by:

Correct! Wrong!

7.When was the region of Matak & Sadiya annexed by British?

Correct! Wrong!

8. Who was the ruler of North Cachar before British annexation?

Correct! Wrong!

9. Who was the last king of the Ahom Kingdom?

Correct! Wrong!

10. When was Sylhet added to the Chief Commissioner's Province, Assam region?

Correct! Wrong!

Assam History MCQ Set-1
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