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This set of Varman Dynasty GK MCQ of Assam History GK MCQ Set- 18 contains 10 multiple choice questions. One mark for each. No negative marking for incorrect answer.

1. Who was the composer and writer of the Nidhanpur Copperplate Inscription?

Correct! Wrong!

The Nidhanpur Copperplate Inscription was discovered by a Muslim cultivator in Nidhanpur village, near Sylhet, presently Bangladesh, on 29th December 1912 during a processing of building buffalo shed.

2. Which of the following archeologist found the seal of Bhaskar Varman during the excavation of the ruins of Nalanda in 1917-1918?

Correct! Wrong!

In connection with Harsha Vardhan & Xuanzang, Kumar Bhaskar Varman visited ancient Buddhist University at Nalanda, where his seal along with fragmentary seal of Harsha was found by archeologist Dr. David B. Spooner along with his team during excavation in 1917-1918.

3. During the regime of which of the following Varman King, Davaka was absorbed with the Kamarupa Kingdom?

Correct! Wrong!

Though historian Kanak Lal Barua claimed that Davaka was absorbed with the Kamarupa Kingdom by 6th to 7th century, later historians like B. N. Puri (1968), and P.C. Choudhury (1959) claimed that Davaka was absorbed with Kamarupa kingdom much earlier during Kalyan Varman (422-446).

4. From which of the following inscription, the defeat of Gauda King Shashanka by Bhaskar Varman can be traced?

Correct! Wrong!

5. Which of the following Varman King was said to have master the self and well versed in the philosophy of the supreme self?

Correct! Wrong!

It is mentioned in the Nagendranath Vasu’s The Social History of Kamarupa that Mahendra Varman master the self like king Janaka, i.e. become self-realized and worked towards stability of the country.

6. Which of the following Varman King was defeated by Samudragupta in connection with the Asvamedha sacrifice?

Correct! Wrong!

Later, Mahendra Varman perfomed Asvamedha sacrifice to through the imperial yoke of Gupta-empire.

7. Which of the following Varman King formed an alliance with Maukhari dynasty to fight against the Gaur Kings?

Correct! Wrong!

Mahasenagupta of East Malwa, the predecessor of Shasanka was fighting with Varman dynasty when Susthita Varman was the king, then Varman dynasty formed an alliance with Maukhari dynasty.

8. Which of the following deity/god/goddess is mentioned in the Umachal Rock Inscription?

Correct! Wrong!

In the Umachal Rock inscription, it is written that the cave temple of the illustrious Balabhadra (Balarama) was constructed by Surendra Varman. Nowadays, a temple for Balabhadra is present in the north eastern slope of the Nilachal Hills.

9. Which of the following Varman King was also known as Maharajadhiraja?

Correct! Wrong!

10. Who is the author of the biography “Harsha Charita” where Varman King Mahabhuti Varman is named as Bhuti Varman?

Correct! Wrong!

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Assam Govt Schemes & Policies MCQ Set- 2 Fri, 11 Jan 2019 13:27:46 +0000 This set of Assam Govt Schemes & Policies MCQ contains 10 multiple choice questions.  One mark for each correct answer. No negative marking for incorrect answer. You Might Also Like Assam GK | 500+ MCQs on Assam Assam Govt Schemes & Policies MCQ- Set- 1   106 

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This set of Assam Govt Schemes & Policies MCQ contains 10 multiple choice questions.  One mark for each correct answer. No negative marking for incorrect answer.

1. Which of the following scheme of the Government of Assam aims to improve efficiency, ease of doing business and transparency in Public Financial Management?

Correct! Wrong!

ASPIRe- Assam State Public Finance Institutional Reforms. A scheme under the Dept of Finance, Govt of Assam ReSTART- Restructuring Systems and Technology for Augmentation of Resources for Transformed Assam Lead EAP- Lead Externally Aided Project

2. Which of the following organization of Assam is responsible for delivering World Bank-funded Assam Citizen-Centric Service Delivery Project (ACCSDP)?

Correct! Wrong!

3. Sneha Sprasha, a scheme by Govt. of Assam, Department of Health & Family Welfare, being implemented by NHM Assam is a scheme for:

Correct! Wrong!

Families with annual income less than Rs. 2.50 Lakh shall be eligible for availing benefits under the scheme, while priority shall be given to BPL families

4. An innovative scheme with the brand name “Amar Dukan”, is  a scheme under which of the following department of Government of Assam?

Correct! Wrong!

5. Which of the following scheme of Govt. of Assam provides referrals to other hospitals outside the state to BPL families for life-threatening diseases?

Correct! Wrong!

Assam Arogya Nidhi (AAN) provides financial assistance to BPL families and referrals to hospitals inside & outside the state for certain diseases. 50 % of the funds are provided by Govt of India and the maximum threshold for financial assistance is Rs. 15 lakhs. For detailed description visit-

6. "APUN GHAR" a scheme of Govt of Assam that provides housing loan to regular state govt employees is a scheme under which department of Govt of Assam?

Correct! Wrong!

7. Assam Government Marketing Cooperation Ltd (AGMC) is responsible for implementing schemes of:

Correct! Wrong!

8. Which of the following scheme of the Education Department, Govt. of Assam imparts education on skill based innovation teaching learning tactics?

Correct! Wrong!

SAPTADHARA scheme is being implemented by RMSA. Details of education schemes in Assam is available at

9. Susrusha scheme of Department of Health & Family welfare, Govt of Assam provides:

Correct! Wrong!

10. Which of the following scheme of Govt. of Assam had been launched for village health outreach through Mobile Health Units (MHU)?

Correct! Wrong!

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Art & Culture of Assam MCQ Set- 15 Sun, 06 Jan 2019 13:45:07 +0000 This set of Assam Art & Culture GK MCQ contains 10 most important General Knowledge Multiple Choice Questions of Assam Art & Culture. One mark for each correct answer, no negative mark for an incorrect answer.   You Might Also Like the Bundle of Assam GK from   All Assam Art & Culture GK […]

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This set of Assam Art & Culture GK MCQ contains 10 most important General Knowledge Multiple Choice Questions of Assam Art & Culture. One mark for each correct answer, no negative mark for an incorrect answer.

1. The author of "Lava-Kuxar Yuddha", Harivara Vipra was the court poet of:

Correct! Wrong!

Harivara Vipra, the court poet of Kamata King Durlabh Narayan authored Lava-Kuxar Yuddha & Vavruvahanar Yuddha. Vipra's literary work provides the first date-able examples of Assamese literature.

2. "Biyah-gowa", one of the tradition of Oja-Pali tells stories from which of the following epic?

Correct! Wrong!

Oja-palis follow two different traditions: biyah-gowa which tells stories from the Mahabharata and Maroi, which tells stories on the snake goddess Manasa.

3. Katha Ratnawali was written by:

Correct! Wrong!

Bhattadeva, the father of Assamese prose had written three books on Vaishnavism: Katha Geeta, Katha Bhagawat and Katha Ratnawali.

4. Guru Charita and Sankara Charita, written by Bhusana Dvija were:

Correct! Wrong!

"Charit puthis" were biographies, 17th centuary is renowed for its growth and develpment.

5. How many "charyas" or mystic poems were written by Luipa?

Correct! Wrong!

Luipa or Luipada was a mahasiddha from from North-East India. During the Pala Empire in Ancient Assam, Bengal, Bihar, Orissa, "Charyapada" a collection of mystical poems or songs of realization in the Vajrayana tradition of Buddhism were written.

6. Which one is correct about the narrative poem "Devajit" of Madhava Kandali?

Correct! Wrong!

7. "Kitabat Manjari", a poetical treatise on arithmetic, surveying and bookkeeping was written by:

Correct! Wrong!

Bakul Kayastha, a mathematician from Kamarupa was known for masterpiece in the field of mathematics named "Kitabat Manjari", written in 1434, and "Lilavati".

8. Who was the editor of "Asamar Padya Buranji" (অসমৰ পদ্য বুৰঞ্জী) or A metrical chronicle of Assam?

Correct! Wrong!

Edited by S. K. Bhuyan, "Asamar Padya Buranji" (অসমৰ পদ্য বুৰঞ্জী) or A metrical chronicle of Assam is a Buranji in verse consisting of Dutiram Hazarika's "Kali-bharat buranji" and Bisweswar Vaidyadhipa's "Belimarar buranji".

9. "Bhakti Pradip", deals with the sole devotion to Lord Krishna, consisting of 313 verse, was written by:

Correct! Wrong!

10. Bhagavat of Sankardev is an Assamese adaptation of the:

Correct! Wrong!

Bhagavata Purana describes how Lord Krishna first made peace with demons to understand them, then creatively defeated them to bring justice, freedom, and happiness.

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Art & Culture of Assam MCQ Set- 14 Tue, 01 Jan 2019 10:46:02 +0000 This set of Assam Art & Culture GK MCQ contains 10 most important General Knowledge Multiple Choice Questions of Assam Art & Culture. One mark for each correct answer, no negative mark for an incorrect answer.   You Might Also Like the Bundle of Assam GK from   All Assam Art & Culture GK […]

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This set of Assam Art & Culture GK MCQ contains 10 most important General Knowledge Multiple Choice Questions of Assam Art & Culture. One mark for each correct answer, no negative mark for an incorrect answer.

1. Who among the following is not a recipient of the Asom Ratna (অসম ৰত্ন), the highest civilian award in the state of Assam?

Correct! Wrong!

2. "Kaal Sandhya", a Hindi Crime Drama film is the only directed film on the Hindi language by which of the following Assamese personality?

Correct! Wrong!

3. Who was the first winner of the Assam Valley Literary Award?

Correct! Wrong!

4. How many 'Ghosa' are there in the "Naam Ghosa"?

Correct! Wrong!

Naam Ghosa is a Vaishnavite scripture of verses in praise of Lord Krishna written in Assamese by Madhavdeva.

5. The first "Ankia Nat" written by Sankardeva is:

Correct! Wrong!

6. In the context of the Assamese literature, the 17th century is renowned for growth & development of "Charit Puthi", charit puthis are:

Correct! Wrong!

7. One of the absurd drama of Assamese literature, "Aahar" was written by:

Correct! Wrong!

8. "Tripura Buranji" was written by Arjun Das Bairagi Kataki along with:

Correct! Wrong!

The Tripura Buranji is an account of the diplomatic contacts between the Ahom kingdom and the Tripura Kingdom between 1709 and 1715.

9. "Monchalekha", a masterpiece in the Assamese literature, which traced five hundred years of Assamese drama and stage was written by:

Correct! Wrong!

10. Mora jiwana-dapoṇa (মোৰ জীৱন দাপোন) is the autobiography of:

Correct! Wrong!

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Assam History MCQ Set- 18 Tue, 06 Nov 2018 08:38:24 +0000 This set of Colonial Assam GK of Assam History GK MCQ Set- 18 contains 10 multiple choice questions. One mark for each. No negative marking for incorrect answer. Other Assam History GK MCQ sets you might be interested in: Assam History GK Set- 1 Assam History GK Set- 2 Assam History GK Set- 3 Assam […]

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This set of Colonial Assam GK of Assam History GK MCQ Set- 18 contains 10 multiple choice questions. One mark for each. No negative marking for incorrect answer.

1. Which of the following is the correct reason of the hanging of Maniram Dewan?

Correct! Wrong!

2. Kushal Konwar, the only martyr who was hanged during the period of the Quit India Movement, was hanged on the charge of:

Correct! Wrong!

15 June 1943 Kushal Konwar was hanged in Jorhat jail on the charge of conspiracy that derailed train near Sarupather, Golaghat.

3. Who was the Chief Minister of Colonial Assam during the Japanese invasion to India?

Correct! Wrong!

4. Which one is incorrect about the Naga Hills district of Colonial Assam?

Correct! Wrong!

Its HQ was located in Samaguting

5. Which one is incorrect about the Assam Association?

Correct! Wrong!

Prabhat Chandra Baruah was elected as the president, Jagannath Baruah was Vice-president and Manik Chandra Baruah as elected as Genral Secretary when Assam Association was formed.

6. Hemkosh is the first dictionary of Assamese language: Choose was the correct one:

Correct! Wrong!

Hemkosh was the first Assamese language based dictionary on Sanskrit spelling. Assamese and English dictionary by Miles Bronson was the first dictionary of Assamese language.

7. In 1828, Kachari kingdom was annexed under which of the following doctrine?

Correct! Wrong!

8. Patharughatar Ran or Battle of Patharughat was the consequence of:

Correct! Wrong!

9. From which of the following event, peasants from East Bengal began settling down in the riverine tracts (char) of the Brahmaputra valley as encouraged by the British to increase agricultural production?

Correct! Wrong!

10. Which one is correct about the tea production in Assam during Colonial Assam?

Correct! Wrong!

First tea garden was established in 1837 and the Assam Tea Company began commercial production in 1840.

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Assam Govt Schemes & Policies MCQ Set- 1 Wed, 19 Sep 2018 06:48:17 +0000 This set of Assam Govt Schemes & Policies MCQ contains 10 multiple choice questions.  One mark for each correct answer. No negative marking for incorrect answer. You Might Also Like Assam GK | 500+ MCQs on Assam Assam Govt Schemes & Policies MCQ- Set- 2   106 

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This set of Assam Govt Schemes & Policies MCQ contains 10 multiple choice questions.  One mark for each correct answer. No negative marking for incorrect answer.

1. Which one is correct about the Pradhan Mantri Khanij Kshetra Kalyan Yojana (PMKKKY) implemented in Assam?

Correct! Wrong!

PMKKKY will ensure & minimize adverse impact of long-term sustainable livelihoods for the affected people in mining areas.

2. According to Assam Accord, Archaeological Survey of India has taken up the protection, preservation, and development of which of the following monuments?

Correct! Wrong!

ASI has taken up the protection, preservation, and development of 5 monuments. These are a) Singri Temple’s ruins b) Urvarshi Archaeological Site c) Poa-Mecca, Hajo d) Kedar Temple, Hajo and e) Hayagriva Madhava Temple, Hajo

3. Digital North East Vision 2022 is a:

Correct! Wrong!

4. Which one is correct about the Mines & Minerals department of Govt. of Assam?

Correct! Wrong!

5. NRC pilot project 2010 was launched in:

Correct! Wrong!

6. Assam Moitri Scheme is a scheme for:

Correct! Wrong!

7. Border Areas Development Programme (BADP) covers:

Correct! Wrong!

The districts are Dhubri, Baksa, Chirang, Kokrajhar, Udalguri, South Salmara Mankachar, Karimganj, & Cachar

8. Simanta Gyan Arohan Asoni is a scheme under:

Correct! Wrong!

Under this program, Govt has planned the exchange of knowledge and skills & HRD related activities for the students from urban areas by promoting tours to and homestay for these urban students in the border villages, in collaboration with Education Department of Assam

9. SIDF(KAAC) stands for:

Correct! Wrong!

10. Which of the following Panchayat act incorporated the Panchayati Raj in Assam under the 73rd Amendment Act, 1992 of the Constitution?

Correct! Wrong!

Assam Panchayat Act, 1994 received assent of the honorable governor on 22 April 1994 and first Panchayat election were held in October 1996 to establish three-tier Panchayat Raj System.

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Assam History MCQ Set- 17 Mon, 17 Sep 2018 16:07:37 +0000 This set of Assam History MCQ GK Set-17 contains 10 multiple choice questions.  One mark for each correct answer. No negative marking for incorrect answer. Other Assam History MCQ sets Assam History MCQ Set- 16 Assam History MCQ set- 15 Assam History MCQ set- 14 Assam History MCQ set- 13 Assam History MCQ set- 12 […]

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This set of Assam History MCQ GK Set-17 contains 10 multiple choice questions.  One mark for each correct answer. No negative marking for incorrect answer.

1. Which of the following Ahom king was also known as Burha Roja?

Correct! Wrong!

2. Which of the following region was administered by the Solal Gohain?

Correct! Wrong!

3. Which of the following Ahom king introduced the coin system?

Correct! Wrong!

4. Which of the following Ahom king excavated the Garhgaon tank (Pukhuri) and constructed the "Naga Ali"?

Correct! Wrong!

5. Which of the following Ahom King was the first to adopt the "Swargodeo" title?

Correct! Wrong!

During his reign, Buranji titled "Sri Sri Swarganarayan Maharajor Jonmokotha" was written wherein the source and lineage of the Ahom kings were connected to the Hindu God, Indra.

6. Bhitarual Phukan was the commander of:

Correct! Wrong!

c) Troop that was responsible for the internal security of the kingdom

7. Which of the following region was administered by Borpatrogohain?

Correct! Wrong!

Dafala hill is located in the north of Lakhimpur region

8. Under which of the following Ahom king, the paik system was reorganized as a professional khel system, replacing the old kinship based phoid system?

Correct! Wrong!

9. What is the literal meaning of the word "Buranji"?

Correct! Wrong!

In Tai language, bu means ignorant person; ran-teach; ji-store. There were two kinds of Buranjis, one maintained by the state (official) and the other maintained by families.

10. Which of the following Ahom king crushed the rebellion of the Barobhuyans?

Correct! Wrong!

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Assam History MCQ Set- 16 Sun, 16 Sep 2018 06:56:30 +0000 This set of Assam History MCQ GK Set-16 contains 10 multiple choice questions.  One mark for each correct answer. No negative marking for incorrect answer. Other Assam History MCQ sets Assam History MCQ set- 15 Assam History MCQ set- 14 Assam History MCQ set- 13 Assam History MCQ set- 12 Assam History MCQ set- 11 […]

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This set of Assam History MCQ GK Set-16 contains 10 multiple choice questions.  One mark for each correct answer. No negative marking for incorrect answer.

1. Nidhanpur copperplate inscription gives detailed accounts of:

Correct! Wrong!

The copper plates were discovered on 29 December 1912, in the village of Nidhanpur in Panchakhanda near what is now Sylhet in Bangladesh.

2. Which of the following Varman King performed Ashvamedha or horse sacrifice to throw off the imperial yoke of Gupta empire?

Correct! Wrong!

3. Which of the following is not a common language in the era of Varman dynasty?

Correct! Wrong!

4. Which of following is the only Kamarupa dynasty's inscription that distinguishes between the b (ব) and v (ৱ) letters?

Correct! Wrong!

Nagajari-Khanikargaon rock inscription is located in modern day Golaghat district

5. Nagajari-Khanikargaon rock inscription belongs to the period of:

Correct! Wrong!

Nagajari-Khanikargaon rock inscription is a 5th-century land-grant inscription discovered in 1972 in Nagajari area of Golaghat district. The inscription was written in Eastern Brahmi script.

6. Which one is correct about the Umachal rock inscription?

Correct! Wrong!

This is a 5th-century rock inscription located in the Nilachal hill of Guwahati.

7. Which of the following Varman King formed an alliance with Maukhari dynasty to fight against the Gaur Kings?

Correct! Wrong!

8. According to the Kalika Purana, Naraka, the mythological ancestor of the Varman dynasty was the son of:

Correct! Wrong!

9. Which of the following legendary dynasty precedes the Varman dynasty?

Correct! Wrong!

10. Princess Amrita Prabha, who eventually chosen the prince of Kashmir Meghavahana as her groom, was the daughter of:

Correct! Wrong!

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Art & Culture of Assam MCQ Set- 13 Wed, 05 Sep 2018 07:23:41 +0000 This set Assam Art & Culture MCQ contains 10 multiple choice questions. One mark for each correct answer. No negative marking for incorrect answer.   Other Art & Culture of Assam MCQ sets: Assam Art & Culture Set-12 Assam Art & Culture Set-11 Assam Art &Culture Set-10 Assam Art & Culture Set-09 Assam Art & […]

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This set Assam Art & Culture MCQ contains 10 multiple choice questions. One mark for each correct answer. No negative marking for incorrect answer.

1. 'Bhawaiya’ is a folk music of:

Correct! Wrong!

2. Kani Diyao, one of the goddess worshipped by the Hajong people represents?

Correct! Wrong!

3. “Tora Chira’ is a festival of:

Correct! Wrong!

4. Bao Gohai Pujoh’ is the most important festival of which of the following tribe?

Correct! Wrong!

5. ‘Bushu’ festival is celebrated by:

Correct! Wrong!

6. Hauno-Puja is celebrated by:

Correct! Wrong!

7. Birapat-Chhitâ is painted on the wall on the occasion of marriage ceremony by which of the following people?

Correct! Wrong!

8. Which one is correct about the Kaziranga Elephant Festival?

Correct! Wrong!

It was inagurated in 2002

9. Luit Konwar Rudra Baruah was known for:

Correct! Wrong!

10. Hajong language is a:

Correct! Wrong!

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Assam Geography GK MCQ Set- 8 Fri, 31 Aug 2018 11:49:36 +0000 This set of Assam Geography GK MCQ contains 10 multiple choice questions. One mark for each correct answer. No negative marking for incorrect answer.   List of Assam Geography MCQ Sets Assam Geography MCQ Set-1 Assam Geography MCQ Set-2 Assam Geography MCQ Set-3 Assam Geography MCQ Set-4 Assam Geography MCQ Set-5 Assam Geography MCQ Set-6 […]

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This set of Assam Geography GK MCQ contains 10 multiple choice questions. One mark for each correct answer. No negative marking for incorrect answer.

1. Which one is the correct geographical location of Assam?

Correct! Wrong!

2. Which one is NOT a major tectonic element of the Assam-Arakan Basin?

Correct! Wrong!

3. Assam-Arakan Basin covers an area of:

Correct! Wrong!

4. Rudrasagar oilfield was discovered in:

Correct! Wrong!

5. Non-coking coal is found in:

Correct! Wrong!

Non-coking coal is used for thermal power generation. Except for Sigraimari coalfield, High sulphur coal is found in all other below mentioned coalfields.

6. In Assam, the occurrence of Gypsum was reported from:

Correct! Wrong!

Minor occurrences of gypsum within shales have been reported from Badarpur and Mahur in Dima Haso district as per the report of Geological Survey of India, Miscellaneous Publication No. 30 Part IV Vol 2(i) Assam

7. Which one is correct about the Manas National Park?

Correct! Wrong!

Manas was declared as UNESCO world heritage site in 1985, further in 1992, it was added to the list of world heritage in danger due to increased poaching and terrorist activities. However, it was removed from the list of world heritage in danger in 2011

8. Who is the chairman of the Assam Project on Forest and Biodiversity Conservation Society (APFBC Society)?

Correct! Wrong!

Assam Project on Forest and Biodiversity Conservation Society (APFBC Society) was formed 0n 18th June 2012

9. Which one is the correct funding pattern (Central Govt : State Govt) of the Command Area Development and Water Management (CADWM)?

Correct! Wrong!

It is a centrally sponsored Programme was launched in the State in 1974-75 with the main objective for bridging the gap between potential created and potential utilized through efficient transportation of irrigation water to farmer’s field through field channels.

10. How much percent of the Indian landmass is covered by the state of Assam?

Correct! Wrong!

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